Monday, June 8, 2009

I Hate To Agree With Nas, But....

Im not a bitter old rapper, Im not a new up and coming rapper, as a matter of fact Im not a rapper at all. With that being said I have no need to be biased nor is there a need for me hate on anyone in the game or the game itself. But, when Nas said Hip-Hop is dead a while back he may have been on to something. At the time I just thought that Nas was being spiteful and bitter about his poor album sales and lack of crossover appeal. Anywhom this isnt a refferendum on Nas. I was watching BET today, whats left of it anyway, and "Do The Ricky Bobby" was in the top five of the countdown on 106th. Like are you fucking kidding me. I have no problem with the B-Hamps nor the Soulja Boys of the world, but when these muthafuckas are shittin on tracks and passing them off as Hip-Hop, the problem begins. I wish Soulja Boy, B-Hamp, Mr. Chicken Noodle Soup, and every other dance oriented break through rapper all team up and form 'Comedic Records', the label that doesnt reuire talent, just a catchy hook. Like I said before I aint a hater, never even met one in person, butwhen I see a best hip hop award being presented and the nominees are: B-Hamp, Soulja Boy, Brother Riduculous and Common, I just think to myself "You gotta be shittin me!". How in the blue shit can Common and B-Hamp both be considered rappers. There needs to be a new genre, and we can call it Funny Bullshit Lyricless Fuckery Tunes. Maybe the name needs work, but you see where Im goin with this. Mainstream Hip-Hop definitely isnt what it used to be and Im not calling for a return to the good ole days. If dudes with permanet ink on their skin, periodic elements in their mouths and around their necks want to glorify all of the cars clothes and hoes...I suppose, its all good. At least when you do it try to make some sort of sense of it. I dont wanna superman that hoe and watch me yooooouuull, nor do I wanna do the ricky bobby, stop and pose for the frame. Shits really getting crazy in these hiphop streets. Maybe future lyricists can rescue the entire genre single-handedly, cause some dudes that will remain nameless have done their damnedest to rap the game for its money and leave it for dead.

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