Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Miami....We Have A Problem.

There comes a point in time where every man woman and child acknowledges the fact that they may have a problem. Well at 9:22pm on June 10th of the year Two Thousand and Nine I realized that I have maybe a slight issue. Well here goes....My name is Korey Turner, and I am a sportscoholic. Yeah yeah yeah, I'm a sportscoholic and it is exactly what it sounds like. Here it is mid-June and I find myself having major sports withdrawl. True enough, the NBA Finals are currently going on, but in less than two weeks they will be a distant memory. Once they are gone, what the frteak will I do with myself. Even the NHL season is drawing to a close. So that only leaves me with MLB until September. Really, I mean really...I gotta wake three months before America's favorite sporting event is back. In the mean time I suppose I will just have to make due with various secondary sports such as Tennis, Golf and of all things the WNBA. Tennis and Golf are not problematic at all, but uhh WNBA. WNBA! I love women, I really really really love women, but for some odd reason I have never nor will I ever find myself getting jiggy with the WNBA. Odd as it may seem, I can actually stomach a women's college basketball game or two, but there is no way humanly possible I can endure a WNBA game. That is if the maternity stricken Candace Parker isn't playing, and with her currently on maternity leave there is no f-ing way I can watch. To add insult to injury The Houston Comets went bankrupt. How in the blue hell does the second most popular franchise go under. That's like the Cowboys going bankrupt in the NFL, or the Red Sox going down the tank in MLB or the Celtics being dismembered in the NBA. Does those three teams going into extinction even sound fathomable. No way in hell will that ever happen. With that being said I can't take a league seriously that loses arguably its best franchise. Well venting about the WNBA does nothing to bring the start of football season any sooner. Therefore for the next three months it seems as though I will be in a state of irratability and depression. ESPN and ESPN2 will be mainstays on my television. High School Football, College Football, NFL, Track & Field. Wait a minute isn't the summer Track & Field season. Whew it is....Yipppeee! Can't wait. I love women's track and field. I mean it just may be the greatest sporting event ever. Come to think of it there are a couple of big boxing matches coming up this summer. You got Pretty Boy Floyd's return to the ring as well as Mr. Kimbo Slice's professional boxing debut. all the hysteria of losing basketball, I forgot about what is to come. So scratch that earlier thought of depression and irritability, I will be perfectly fine until September. However, take this as forewarning, during football season no one I mean no one is to talk to me ever on Thursday-Monday of every week. Tuesdays and Wednesdays we can speak, but outside of that you can all kick rocks. No need for friendships or relationships during football season, but until the we all cool peeps.

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