Monday, June 8, 2009

A Puncher's Chance Pt.1

This may be the first, but it is definitely not intended for me to ease my way into the flow of things. I feel as though the toughest subject matter of them all must be adressed and foremost. It seems as though when there is something an individual is really pulling for or pushing towards, there is always a counteractive entity that is doing their damndest to push or pull them away from their goal. In the instance of love, the is no singular entity that acts as such a repelent. Rather than a singular force there are actual people that are poking and proding at your pursuit of happiness. To love someone, other than yourself, is an extremely difficult task (Come to think of it, loving yourself isn't always a given). In all honesty, why the hell should I or would I fight for something as abstract and subjective as love when it seems as though love wouldn't do the same for me. FUCK! Should I or shouldn't I, is the actual question. Today I have decided that I should, that I can and that I will. If ever there was something worth fighting for, this is it. In actuality I'm not fighting as much for love as I am fighting for her. As it may be contradictory in nature, I am fighting for her, but the fight is with her. She really and truly loves me, and I love her with the depths of my soul. Is that not enough, Isn't it enough? Aparrently love within itself is never enough. Well loving someone is what isn't sufficent. However, the ideal of Love is always enough and seems to truly conquer all. I know that, but how the hell do I really know. I love her and she loves me, but where is the Love? Finding the Love without losing your love for one another is the ultimate quest.........................(Unfortunately I was interrupted and will contine in the highly anticipated "A Puncher's Chance Pt.2"

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